What makes us a healthy alternative?
You may be wondering what makes us healthier. You see cheesy lasagnas and cookies on our menu and think, 'How is this healthy or any different from the big box stores or brands?' For more details, please keep on reading...

Healthy Swaps
For some of us, we already know that we just simply can't resist that cookie or our favourite comfort food. Rather than trying to avoid our favourites altogether, why not make them healthier? We firmly believe in adding healthy ingredients or making healthy swaps to give your body the nutrients that it needs.
Some healthy swaps that we work into our meals include:
- Plain greek yogurt as a healthy substitute for sour cream
- Reducing sodium and adding herbs/spices instead
- Making homemade sauces/soups/dips to reduce sodium levels
- Whole grain pasta in place of white
- Brown Rice instead of other varieties
- Using healthy fats (ex. avocado in baking)
- Incorporating veggies into all meal dish options
We also like to include nutrient boosters such as:
- Flax seed, chia seeds, hemp hearts, sunflower seeds, nuts, oats, etc.
Eat the Rainbow
I'm not talking about Skittles here! But did you know that certain colours of fruits & vegetables contain higher levels of specific vitamins/nutrients?
For example, red fruits and vegetables are high in folate, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K1. These promote heart and skin health and help reduce the risk of certain cancers.
The more variety of colours you add into your diet, the better off your body will be! You'll notice our menu incorporates all the colours of the rainbow to help you feel your best!
We even serve Smoothies (blended in store) which are made with real fruit! There's no added sugar and we incorporate nutrient boosters into various smoothie options.
Local produce & meat
Not only do we want to support our local producers, but we also want to be conscious of the quality of the ingredients we use!
We use lean meat from both Big Bend Market and the Silver Spring Colony (who also supply us with farm fresh eggs!). The lettuce in our salads is now being supplied by NextGen Aqua Farms. We're looking forward to expanding our produce selection.
With these local suppliers it is hard to not notice the difference in flavour. In fact, the ADDED flavour!